Featured Artist

Kit De Gala

Kit de Gala is the powerhouse bassist of the alt-rock band CHNDTR. Beyond his role in the band, he's renowned for his versatility as a session player, contributing his talents to acts like Eliza Maturan, Written by the Stars, Joko Reantaso, Sponge Cola, and many more.

Offstage, Kit de Gala embodies a calm, reflective demeanor, reminiscent of the quiet before a storm. However, the moment he picks up his bass and steps into the spotlight, he transforms into a dynamic whirlwind of energy. It's as though a surge of electricity ignites the room, with Kit's passion and charisma infusing every note. The atmosphere crackles with excitement, drawing the audience in through the magnetic pull of his performance.

Witnessing Kit's shift from serene to electrifying is a mesmerizing experience. His commanding stage presence and emotive playing create an unforgettable musical journey that captivates all in attendance. So grab your umbrella and brace yourself for the epic storm that is Kit de Gala—a true force of nature in the music world.

Kit De Gala

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Kit De Gala